Innovating the future of data exchange in Europe and beyond

The International Data Spaces Association (IDSA) is on a mission to create the future of the global, digital economy. Its 130+ member companies and institutions have created the International Data Spaces (IDS) standard: a secure system of sovereign and trusted data sharing in which all participants can realize the full value of their data. IDS enables new smart services and innovative business processes to work across companies and industries, while ensuring that the control of data remains in the hands of data providers. We call this data sovereignty.

Our mission and vision

It is time to change the way data is shared. We want to pave the way for a data economy in which every company and every person keeps full control over their data treasures. We believe in a data economy in which you do not rely on a solution that is owned by one big player. This is why we create the required standards for data spaces which grant data sovereignty to all participants to share data without regret.

Our mission is to advance the IDS standard and drive innovation, awareness and global adoption of data spaces to ensure data sovereignty, meaning staying in control of access and usage of your data, for all participants.

Data Sovereignty

IDSA aims to enable people, organizations, and governments to have control over their data, including collecting, storing, sharing, and use. This means making rules for data sharing and use, like data policies and contracts, with varying levels of control. We call this data sovereignty. IDSA offers guidelines and a framework for ensuring data sovereignty in data spaces.

Data Spaces

Our vision depends on data spaces – which comprise relationships between trusted partners that are governed by IDSA standards for secure and sovereign data sharing, certification and governance for business and industry across Europe and around the world.

International standards

We aim to create international standards for data spaces, as well as fostering technologies and business models that will drive the data economy. Our standardization efforts are fueled by the IDSA members and technical staff’s commitment, who actively shape and lead the development of data spaces. Central to these efforts are the IDS Reference Architecture Model, the IDSA Rulebook, and the Dataspace Protocol.

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Samen staan we sterk

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