Can you explain in the form of an elevator pitch what Sobolt does?
Sobolt uses AI and remote earth sensing to help a variety of actors make effective and environmentally-friendly development choices.

On which service / which project is Sobolt most proud when it comes to smart, sustainable and social mobility?
“Accessibility by Bike” based in real-route placement on a building-by-building basis.

Connektlid SoboltOn what themes will the other Connektmembers meet you?
Accessibility, AI, Remote Sensing, Smart Cities.

What do you add to this theme and / or the Connektnetwork? And what can Connekt mean for Sobolt?
I think we add a sense of diversity because we are a sustainability + tech + business team. We have a variety of colleagues with diverse backgrounds that make us great problem-solvers. Connekt can definitely help us “connect” with potential clients and open our eyes to the world of smart mobility. Sobolt started with solar panel installation monitoring and green rooftop planning, so we are just getting into the smart mobility aspects of urbanization.

What is the most promising disruptive innovation according to Sobolt?
Definitely AI and machine learning.