From October 7 to 15, Connekt is organizing a mission to Australia & Singapore: Connekt Start-Up for a Week. The trip to Australia is taking place against the background of the ITS World Congress in Melbourne. During the trip the group will also visit the congress and will talk to the National Transport Commission. The program will conclude with a number of visits in Melbourne linked to the theme of Smart Cities/Mobility.
In Singapore the themes covered will be Smart Mobility, Self-Driving Vehicles, Start-Ups and Smart Cities. Here the group will talk to the Ministry of Transport and the Land and Transport Association. The Dutch Automated Vehicle Initiative (DAVI) will have the chance to get to know SAVI, its Singaporean counterpart. In addition, the group will meet a number of start-ups from the Smart Mobility & Transport sectors.
Participation in the trip is by personal invitation only. If you have any questions about the trip, please contact Lia Hsu.