Join us for a series of webinars delving into Dutch mobility solutions. As part of this exploration, our first webinar, scheduled for the morning of 13th February 2024, is titled: “Decoding Dutch Mobility: Traffic Management and Data in Practical Examples” 

Date February 13, 2024
Time 09:30 AM
Location Webinar - online

Designed for international delegations, these webinars showcase Dutch ingenuity in smart mobility. Each session focuses on specific themes vital to the Netherlands’ success in this sector. 

Highlights of this webinar “Decoding Dutch Mobility: Traffic Management and Data in Practical Examples” 

Uncover the significance of traffic management and data through tangible use cases. Learn how growing urban areas and increasing traffic generate specific mobility challenges, demonstrating how efficient traffic management reduces congestion, enhances safety, and improves overall mobility. 

Expert Insights

Our distinguished speakers are from Goudappel, Technolution, NDW, Buko and TNO and will also contribute to the Connekt Pavilion at Intertraffic Amsterdam. Explore the intricacies of traffic management and data, gaining insights into concrete use cases that highlight the innovative solutions addressing contemporary mobility challenges. This webibar ““Decoding Dutch Mobility: Traffic Management and Data in Practical Examples” is for traffic experts and non-experts with the following program:

9.30 am: Start of the webinar
Kick off followed by presentations of:
· Future is Now by Martijn de Kieviet Goudappel from Goudappel
The good, the bad and the ugly data by Edwin Mein from Technolution
· Data for roadmanagers, IDEA project by Ruud van den Dries from NDW
· Data and influencing behavior in road works by Martin van Beurden from Buko
· Predictive Digital Twins for Liveable and Resilient Cities by Bart Vuijk from TNO

10.45 am: Wrap up and ending of webinar

Virtual Participation

Secure your virtual seat for this insightful webinar. While the program is in design, a detailed overview will be available soon. 

Mark and or Register in Your Calendar Future Webinars

  • 12 March 2024: “Smart Solutions for Sustainable Mobility: A Dutch Perspective on EVs, Charging, and Biking”. More info and register here
  • 3 April 2024: “Exploring Public-Private Partnerships, Connectivity, and Hubs”. More info and register here
  • Intertraffic Live Session – April 17, 2024: The series culminates in a live session during , where our expert members on the Connect Pavilion continue sharing insights into groundbreaking pilots and innovations in smart urbanization. If you come to visit Amsterdam, we are happy to see you there. 

Connect Globally, Innovate Locally 

Immerse yourself in the heart of Dutch ingenuity. This series is an invitation to connect with global stakeholders at the forefront of Dutch innovation in smart mobility solutions. And of course is an invite to join us at the Connekt Pavilion at Intertraffic Amsterdam in April.  

Register now

If you wish to join this webinar, please register using the button above. When you have a question in this webinar, please send an e-mail to