2getthere markets and develops sustainable Automated Transit Networks for personal and group transportation, which provide efficient, high quality tailored transport solutions.

The company is capitalizing on this experience by continuously improving its’ products, delivering the best possible and most suited systems to its customers. 2getthere’s proprietary knowledge consists of the TOMS supervisor system, vehicle controls, patented key components (magnet ruler), the license of the Free Ranging On Grid technology for PRT (Personal Rapid Transport) and GRT (Group Rapid transport) applications and the vehicle design. The systems are based on 25+ years of technological development and experience with Automated People Mover systems. The network control systems and the electronic vehicle guidance have been applied in various demanding applications, featuring automated and self-driving systems in semi controlled environments under mixed operations, serving the last mile. Our PRT system at Masdar has recently reached the 1st million passenger milestone and our GRT system at Rotterdam Rivium (1.8 km, 5 stations, 6 GRT vehicles) has been in flawless operations since 2006, serving over 2500 passengers per day providing a connection between the metro station Kralingse Zoom and business park Rivium.

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